The Berkeley/Stanford
ROC @ Berkeley Status - Dave Patterson
ROC @ Stanford Status - Armando Fox
Automatic Failure Path Inference for J2EE - George Candea
Benchmarking and Debugging Very Large Scale Network Systems - David Oppenheimer
Crash-Only Software - George Candea
Dynamic Path-Based Macro Analysis - Mike Chen
Failure Analysis of Internet Systems - Archana Ganapathi
Free the Replicas! - Andy Huang
Metrics and Techniques for Evaluating the Performability of Internet Services - Pete Broadwell
Middle-tier State Store - Ben Ling
Status and Future Directions of Pinpoint - Emre Kiciman
Decoupling Storage: "Free the Replicas!" -
Andy Huang, Armando
The goal of Decoupling Storage (DeStor) is to design an application-level
persistent storage system for Internet services. This poster describes: 1) the
coupling that exists in many replication schemes (e.g., read-one-write-all), 2)
why coupling is a key hinderance to building systems that exhibit good
performance degradation and keep data available throughout recovery, and 3) a
quorum-based system that uses dynamic load-balancing information to replicate
data in a decoupled manner.
Last Updated: 02/12/2004 09:21