The Berkeley/Stanford
Recovery-Oriented Computing (ROC)
Project Summer 2004 Retreat
Statistical Learning Tutorial
) - Gert Lanckriet
ROC Status - Dave Patterson & Armando Fox
Pinpoint Updates
- Armando Fox
DStore: An Easy-to-Manage Persistent State Store
- Andy Huang
Failure Data Collection and Analysis
Archana Ganapathi
Node Discovery and Selection for Evaluation and
Deployment of Wide-Area Distributed Services
David Oppenheimer
Faculty Panel
(RADS/CATS Proposal)
Why PCs are Fragile and What We Can Do About It: A Study of Windows Registry Problems
Archana Ganapathi
Evaluation of a Microrebootable System
- George Candea
Toward automated diagnosis and forecasting of performance problems
Moises Goldszmidt, HP Labs
Performance Management Framework
Greg Messer, USBank
Akamai, Netbots, Distributed Graphs
- Amr A. Awadallah
Benchmark Breakout
Stateful Subsystems Breakout
Golden Nuggets Breakout
Action Breakout
Last Updated: 07/15/2004 12:55